Legal Advice

En cumplimiento con el deber de información recogido en artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE), el propietario de la web, le informa de lo siguiente:

1.       Titularidad de la web:

  • Nombre comercial: Autocares Martínez.
  • Titular: Costabus, S.L. y Bonibus, S.L.
  • CIF: B-03486487; B-53144382.
  • Dirección: c/ Esperanto, nº 23, 03503 Benidorm.
  • Teléfono: 965 85 77 80.
  • Correo electrónico:


2. What type of information do we request?

To visit our website it is not necessary to provide any personal information. However, if you wish to speed up the service contracting process, receive communications, service information, etc., we will request the personal information necessary to be able to manage the specific activity. For more details on the use of your personal data by Autocares Martínez, consult our Privacy Policy, which also establishes the rights that you can exercise regarding the management of your data.

3. Data collection forms

In the data collection forms, the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory, so if the User does not provide the corresponding data, Autocares Martínez may deny the request.

All information provided by the User through the forms on the Website must be true, exact and complete. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided updated, being responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided and for any damage caused to Autocares Martínez.

The registered user acknowledges that he or she has read and understood the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice and the registration conditions included therein, and that he or she agrees to comply with all its provisions. Likewise, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy.

4. Responsibility and Obligations of the provider

Responsibilities regarding content

The content of this website is of a general nature, and has an exclusively informative purpose and effects about our services.

Autocares Martínez is exempt from any liability regarding any decision made by the user of the website as a result of the information contained therein.

Autocares Martínez rejects responsibility for any information not prepared by it or not published authorized by it under its name, as well as the responsibility that arises from the misuse of the contents, and reserves the right to update them, to eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.

Liability in the event that this page is the destination of the link entered on another page

Regarding the links established by other pages to this site, as well as if any user, entity or web page wishes to establish some type of link to the Autocares Martínez website, they must adhere to the following stipulations:

You must request authorization prior to creating the link and its granting must be expressly stated. You can only go to the home page.

The link must be absolute and complete, that is, it must take the user to the address of Autocares Martínez, and it must completely cover the entire length of the home page screen. In no case, unless expressly authorized in writing by Autocares Martínez, may the page that makes the link reproduce the Autocares Martínez website in any way, include it as part of its website or within one of its frames or create a browser on any of the web pages.

No type of erroneous or incorrect indication will be given about the Autocares Martínez page.

If you wish to record any distinctive sign of Autocares Martínez such as brands, logos, or names, you must have written authorization.

The Owner of the page that offers the link must act in good faith and will not intend to negatively affect the reputation or good name of Autocares Martínez.

It is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Autocares Martínez, to register the text elements of the brand or logo, the domain name or the name of Autocares Martínez as keywords (metatags or metanames) for website searches carried out through through search engines.

Autocares Martínez does not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the website that offers the link. The establishment of the link does not imply the existence of any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency of Autocares Martínez with the owner of that website.

Responsibility of technical aspects

Autocares Martínez does not guarantee the continuity of the operation of the website nor that it is operational and available at all times.

Autocares Martínez is not responsible for direct or indirect damages, including damage to computer systems and introduction of viruses existing on the network, derived from Internet browsing necessary for the use of this website.

5. Obligation of users

The User agrees not to use the Website and its contents for illegal purposes or activities: they will not have the right to modify any of the materials incorporated in the Website, nor will they be able to copy, distribute, transmit, present, perform, or generally, reproduce in any way, publish, authorize or create any work based on the information or content incorporated on the Website.

6. Duration and Modification

Autocares Martínez will have the right to modify the terms and conditions stipulated here unilaterally, in whole or in part. Any changes will appear in the same form as they are found in this legal notice.

The temporary validity of this legal notice coincides, therefore, with the time of its exposure, until the moment in which it is modified totally or partially by Autocares Martínez.

Autocares Martínez may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the operation of this website, without the possibility of requesting any compensation from the user. After such termination, the user must destroy any information about Autocares Martínez that they have in any format and that they have obtained through the site or through communications made individually to the user by it.

7. Industrial/Intellectual Property

The domain is property of Autocares Martínez. This website incorporates logos, images, texts, designs, slogans, and other content whose rights belong to Autocares Martínez. The user expressly recognizes this ownership and understands that they do not acquire any rights over them, nor can they modify or use them. All these contents, without the express written consent signed by their owners, will be of unauthorized use. The user is not authorized to use, on any other website, the images, commercial logos of Autocares Martínez as links without the written consent of Autocares Martínez.

In the event that the user accesses and/or downloads any content and/or element that is available through the Website, as well as any of the applications available for this purpose, they will not have any rights over them, given that Autocares Martínez only authorizes your personal and non-transferable use and retains all rights over them. Any act of reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available, or transformation, as well as any other form of exploitation of all or part of said content or elements, carried out in any form or by any means, will require prior written consent. of Autocares Martínez, or, where applicable, its owner.

Access to and navigation through the Website will in no case be understood as a total or partial waiver, transmission, license or transfer of the rights indicated above by Autocares Martínez or, where applicable, the owner of the rights to which they correspond.

8. Rules regarding confidentiality

This document (together with all the documents mentioned in it) establishes the conditions governing the use of this website (< /a>) and the contracting of services therein (hereinafter, the “Conditions”). We ask you to carefully read these Terms and our Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Data Protection Policies”) before using this website. By using this website or making a request for the service through it, you agree to be bound by these Conditions and our Data Protection Policies, so if you do not agree with all the Conditions and Policies of Data Protection, you should not use this website. If you have any questions related to the Conditions or Data Protection Policies, you can contact us through our contact methods. The company will automatically process this data and apply the corresponding security measures, all in compliance with the RGPD, LOPDGDD and LSSI.

9. Representations and warranties

In general, the contents and services offered in the Web Space are purely informative. Consequently, by offering them, no guarantee or representation is given in relation to the contents and services offered in the Web Space, including, but not limited to, guarantees of legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity, accuracy, or merchantability, except in the to the extent that such representations and warranties cannot be excluded by law.

10. Legislation and Jurisdiction

These conditions of use are governed by Spanish legislation.

Users and Autocares Martínez submit all interpretations or conflicts that may arise derived from this legal note to the Courts and Tribunals of Alicante.


Likewise, and especially if you consider that you have not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a claim with the national control authority by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 for these purposes. Madrid


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